Síncrisis. Investigación en Formas Culturais (GI-1919- SIFC) é un grupo de investigación constituído en decembro de 2004 no eido da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. O noso punto de converxencia é a posta en práctica de ideas, técnicas ou modelos de investigación dirixidos á conversión do patrimonio histórico e cultural e a súa xestión, en fonte para o coñecemento histórico ou histórico-artístico.
José Carlos Sánchez Pardo
Profesor Contratado de la USC
After obtaining a 4-years degree in History (specialized in Medieval History) in 2002 at the University of Santiago (Spain), I was awarded with a Barrié de la Maza Foundation fellowship to complete a Master in Medieval Archaeology at the University of Siena(Italy), with the leading group of Riccardo Francovich. Inmediatly after it, I was a predoctoral fellowship of the CSIC (Spanish Research Council) at the Spanish School of History and Archaeology at Rome (Italy) for 2 years (2005-06). Back in Santiago I continued my formation in the CSIC Laboratory of Landscape Archaeology, directed by Prof. Felipe Criado (2007).
In 2008 I got my PhD in Medieval History at the University of Santiago (supervisedby Prof. Andrade-Cernadas) with a thesis on the territorial organisation of Galicia between the Antiquity and Central Middle Ages, basing on a wide and interdisciplinary approach between History and Archaeology (GIS, spatial analysis, archaeology, texts and places names).
After a brief period as a postdoctoral fellow of Casa de Velázquez (Madrid, October-December 2008), I have been a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Archaeology of the University College of London for near 6 years (first as Spanish Ministry of Science fellowship, later as Honorary Research Associate and finally by means of a postdoctoral research fellowship of the Galician Regional Gobernment) under the supervision of Prof. Andrew Reynolds. At the Institute of Archaeology, I have mainly been working on rural churches and their social and political meanings in Early Medieval landscapes. In this sense, I organized, in liason with Michael Shaplands, an international conference in the Institute on Local Churches and Social Power in Early Medieval Europe. An edited volume resulted from this conference has just been published (December 2015) in Brepols Series on Early Middle Ages. In the last years (2012-2015), I have been an Honorary Research Associate at the Institute of Archaeology, except for 6 months (Sepember 2012-March 2013), when I was working on medieval ceramics at the Museum of Santiago.
In July 2013 I obtained a Marie Curie Career Integration Grant of 100.000 euros in order to carry out a 4 years project named Early Medieval Churches: History, Archaeology and Heritage (EMCHAHE), based at the University of Santiago. The project is coordinated by me (as the PI), and I count with the collaboration of Prof. Marco GarcÃa-Quintela (history of religion), Prof. Jorge Sanjurjo-Sánchez (mortar analysis) and Rebeca Blanco-Rotea (specialist in archaeology of standing buildings) as Research Assistant.
In June 2014 I was awarded with a prestigious "Ramón y Cajal" tenure track position by the Spanish Ministry of Science, so I definetly joined the Department of Archaeology of the University of Santiago in April 2015, where I am combining teaching Archaeology with my research and my MC-CIG project.
I have participated in a number of International congresses and I have long experience in field archaology in Italy and Spain and I have been referee for different publications on early medieval history and archaeology.
I am active member of the European Association of Archaeologists and co-founder of the Asseconia Association for Medieval Studies (based at the University of Santiago).